佛教在线海外讯 据《曼谷邮报》报道,2009年9月1日,泰国国家佛教办公室负责人Jularat Boonyakorn表示,泰国僧伽委员会通过一项决议,泰国全国35616寺院每个寺院要至少种植十棵树木来增加国家绿化面积,帮助抑制全球变暖。
Jularat 女士表示,该委员会的目的是在泰国寺院或泰国寺院的土地上种植350000余棵树木,寺院本身有权决定即将栽种的树木品种。同时她表示国家佛教办公室各省分机构可以到各省自然资源环境办公室领取树苗。(编译:子规)
The Sangha Council has passed a resolution that 35,616 temples throughout the country should each plant at least 10 trees to add up the country's green areas and help combat global warming, Jularat Boonyakorn, director of the National Office of Buddhism, said on Tuesday.
Ms Jularat said the council's target is for 350,000 more trees to grown in temple grounds or on temple land. Each temple would decide what kinds of trees to plant.
The National Office of Buddhism branch in each province can ask for tree saplings from the provincial natural resources and environment office, she said.